Cool King David Worksheet

Perfect for Homeschoolers Sunday School and Sabbath School students teachers and parents.
King david worksheet. Davids resume Question n color. If I was King Saul for a day Creative writing. He was a sheepherder a poet a singermusician a warrior and of course a king.
Some of the worksheets for this concept are Life of david discipleship lessons from 1 and 2 samuel Lessons from the life of king david David is made king of israel David the prophet the mediator and the king Gods covenant with david David i am chosen 2 samuel bible study guide Origins of judaism work. David and Goliath Vocabulary Worksheets Word Lists. David and Goliath Printable Worksheets Story Comprehension and Memory.
Found worksheet you are looking for. Terms in this set 12 When he was younger David would lead his army in battles but as 2 Samuel 111 says David now chooses to. It discusses his famous contest with the Philistine warrior Goliath and is followed by a few reading comprehension questions.
Ways to Tell the Story. David and Goliath Vocabulary Worksheets Tracer Pages. David Spares Sauls Life Twice.
Always remain true to the facts found in the Bible but help children connect to its meaning by using drama visual aids voice inflection student interaction andor emotion. It discusses his famous contest with the Philistine warrior Goliath and is followed by a few reading comprehension questions. Pptx 559 MB Written for Year 2 as part of our unit of work on Jewish stories and leaders easily adaptable upwards.
This session explores King David starting with the story of David and Goliath then looking at what happened during his life afterwards. Davids People matching. David and Goliath Sunday School Worksheets Take Home Sheet.